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Member Headlines Forum

This forum is the place to read about the GWA Chamber organization, its members and other relevant business and community information regarding the "Gateway to the Genesee Country Region" of Western New York. Learn how the GWA Chamber and its members are working to achieve the collective mission to facilitate a prosperous business climate through common business interests and a suitable quality of life for residents and visitors.

Regional Brand Background Image

GWA Chamber of Commerce


Proudly serving our members and communities in the

Gateway to the Genesee Country Region



Scottsville - Mumford - Caledonia and Surrounding Areas

This forum includes Headline Articles, and News & Notices that help connect businesses and communities and is easily accessible via the GWA Chamber Gold Card.

Gold Card Sponsors


The GWA Chamber Gold Card connects businesses and communities through multiple GWA Chamber online services. This forum is easily accessible anytime and from anywhere with the GWA Chamber Gold Card, simply use the "MembeHeadlines QR code" on the back of the card. The following acknowledgements are provided in appreciation for all GWA Chamber Sponsors. Select the included Sponsor related image to discover the latest online information available from that Sponsor.

GWA Chamber Gold Card

Vanguard Website Solutions

Ambassador Level Sponsor


"Engage people with the robust & fully mobile content they expect today!"


Professional, affordable Website solutions designed for smaller, cost sensitive Governmental, Religious and other Not-for-Profit Organizations.


 Location   Email   Phone: (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Tablet Image

Genesee Valley Agency

Ambassador Level Sponsor


"We Pride Ourselves in Providing a VIP Insurance Experience"


We offer quality, value-driven solutions, prioritizing customer service, and educating you on your coverage options so you can be informed.


 Location   Email   Phone: (833) 781-5556


Scottsville Spirits

GWA Chamber Gold Card Sponsor


"Your local wine, liquor and New York Lottery retail store in Scottsville, New York."


Great prices and selection!


 Get your GWA Chamber Gold Card


 Location   Email   Phone: (585) 889-0550


Headline Articles


Read about the GWA Chamber organization, its members and other relevant business and community information from the region served by the Chamber. Articles are categorized by topic areas: General Articles and "What People Are Saying".


Posts are arranged in chronological order starting with the newest item to the oldest item. Utilize the control bar at the bottom of these articles to view additional items, with selectable forward and backward arrows and page numbers. To read the detail of any particular post presented below, simply select that item. To search for specific items use the general website search function from the main menu.


Note that "What People are Saying" posts provide independent perspectives and this content do not reflect positions of the GWA Chamber of Commerce, including any referrals, endorsements or recommendations.

Gold Card Sponsors
Headline Articles

News & Notices

News and Notices
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