The GWA Chamber of Commerce is a New York State Not-for-Profit Corporation with a purpose to promote common business interests in the Towns of Wheatland, Caledonia and the surrounding area of Western New York State, for the benefit of its members, all local commercial enterprises and the communities served.
The Chamber is a membership driven enterprise consisting of an association of interested parties working collaboratively together to further the general interests and common goals of the organization, with activities directed at the improvement of general business and economic conditions while helping to facilitate a suitable quality of life across the communities served. Read more about the Chamber's membership value proposition.
Members include:
Small businesses
Not-for-profit organizations, municipal organizations, other organizations
Interested individuals ("Friends" of the GWA Chamber)
The 2023 GWA Chamber Annual Report describes the organization's progress for the past year and plans for the coming year in 2024 (see also the presentation from the Annual Meeting of the Members). Plans are presented in the context of the organization's three-year strategic plan, included at the end of the annual report document. The GWA Chamber has some exciting plans for 2024, including:
GWA Chamber sponsored Before Hours Business Networking meetings, starting with a meeting in March 2024 hosted by the Genesee Country Inn Bed & Breakfast in Mumford. Register for the event.
Promulgation of the "Gateway to the Genesee Country" regional brand for business and community marketing.
Release of the second annual issue of the Gateway to the Genesee Country Community Guide sponsored by the GWA Chamber and published by Featured Media. The Community Guide as viewed above includes advertising and articles of leading businesses serving the region and articles describing local attractions and events.
Delivery of additional services to members through strategic partnerships with organizations such as the Livingston County Area Chamber of Commerce and Letchworth Gateway Villages.
A new "GWA Chamber Gold Card" to help connect businesses and communities.
Meetings with local municipal and school leaders to share business and community needs and plans.
We would appreciate your consideration for joining the GWA Chamber of Commerce as a continuing member or as a new member for 2024, simply complete a membership invoice form and return to the Chamber with a check for the desired membership category and support level. Note that the due date for the completed membership form and payment of the associated fees is February 28, 2024.
We are more than glad to answer any questions you may have and would look forward to the opportunity to meet with your business representative to discuss your business needs, including broader economic and community development perspectives. Thank you for your attention.