Chamber Programs
The GWA Chamber of Commerce sponsors, promotes and supports a variety of programs, consisting of various projects, events and other activities in order to accomplish its established mission. These programs are intended to deliver value to its members, while also contributing to the general benefit of the communities in the region served by the Chamber.

Chamber program categories include: Community Benefits Programs and Economic & Community development Programs. These programs, projects, events and other activities are used to:
promote and market Chamber members businesses and interests,
raise funds in support of Chamber operations and community benefits programs,
support economic and community development.
Community Benefit Programs
The GWA Chamber of Commerce takes pride in sponsoring Community Benefit Programs that are designed to provide general value for the communities served by the Chamber or specific benefits within these communities where appropriate, such as community development or civic engagement initiatives. In many cases, Chamber members are provided with opportunities to directly support these programs through material contributions and financial sponsorships, helping the communities while also promoting business, organizational and local interests' visibility.
Scholarships Program
This program provides scholarships annually for one deserving graduating senior selected from each of the Wheatland-Chili and the Caledonia-Mumford Central School Districts that are pursuing Higher Education of Technical School opportunities. The GWACC works in conjunction with each School District's representatives to collect applications and select the most deserving candidates.

Wheatland Community Hall of Fame Program
The Wheatland Community Hall of Fame is a GWA Chamber of Commerce Community Benefit Program governed by the "Salute to Excellence Committee". The main purpose of the program is to facilitate a community wide tradition of identifying, recognizing and celebrating citizens who contribute to the general benefit of the Wheatland Community. There are two levels of citizen recognition defined within the context of the Wheatland Community Hall of Fame:
Induction as a member of the Hall of Fame
Selection as a “Volunteer of Distinction”
Economic & Community Development Programs
The GWA Chamber of Commerce supports economic and community development, fostering community vitality, long term sustainability and constructive relationships with other business and governmental organizations that encourage the types of developments which help improve the local business climate and advance the quality of life for area residents. The Chamber supports local and relevant regional development initiatives with a variety of objectives, including: existing business retention and expansion, promotion of small business/entrepreneurial development, agribusiness, outdoor recreation and tourism.

Genesee Valley Trail Town Initiative
The Town of Wheatland has engaged with ten other communities in Southern Monroe, Livingston, Wyoming and Allegany Counties to establish a network of Trail Town hubs along the Genesee Valley Greenway and Genesee River corridor. The Genesee Valley Trail Town Initiative is a program that aims to boost outdoor recreation and tourism in the region, creating more resilient communities through the identification, promotion and preservation of communities’ unique recreational assets. Using a combination of consistent trail-wide marketing, infrastructure improvements, business coaching and support, Trail Town initiatives have proven to be an effective approach for growing rural economies. Read More...