Roles and Responsibilities
The GWA Chamber of Commerce is an association of members that are governed by an elected Board of Directors which includes a group of Officers that collectively form the organization's Executive Committee. Each of these groups have specific roles and an associated set of responsibilities. Roles are defined as the functions that a person performs as part of an organization (even just belonging to the group, while responsibilities involve specific tasks or actions allocated to a person or group.

The GWA Chamber of Commerce is a membership driven enterprise consisting of an association of interested parties working collaboratively together to further the general interests and common goals of the organization, with activities directed at the improvement of general business and economic conditions while helping to facilitate a suitable quality of life across the communities served. Members may include corporations, small businesses, not-for-profit organizations, municipal organizations, other organizations, professionals and interested individuals. There are no limits or restrictions on the number or kind of members that choose to get involved in the chamber of commerce. Payment of dues, agreement to abide by the GWA Chamber of Commerce Board of By-Laws, all approved organization policies and resolutions are required as a condition of Chamber membership. Applications for membership shall be submitted on forms provided for that purpose and signed by the applicant.
Board of Directors
The GWA Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors consists of four Officer positions and general board member positions that are filled by nomination and election from the Chamber's eligible general Membership. The Board of Directors are elected to annual terms. The Board of Directors follow the organization’s by-laws, policies, and approved board resolutions. A member of the Board of Directors has general responsibilities for ensuring that the organization fulfills its mission by planning for the future, monitoring operations, and evaluating the organization’s performance. Collectively the Board of Directors are responsible for:
establishing the framework of the Chamber in the organization's By-Laws such as: organizational structures, policies and procedures,
the behavior and performance of board members,
performing strategic planning (documented in the GWA Chamber of Commerce Strategic Plan), setting organizational goals and establishing annual operations plans (as documented in the organization's Annual Report).
ensuring strong fiduciary oversight and financial management,
approving and monitoring organizational programs, events and services (including fundraising),
representing the organization to the outside world
Executive Committee
There are four Officer positions with specific roles and responsibilities defined for the Greater Wheatland Area Chamber of Commerce including:
President - Presides at all meetings of the Chamber, submits at the Annual Meeting a full report of the work of the Chamber and except as otherwise authorized by the Executive Committee or President is the public spokesperson for the Chamber.
Vice President - Assists the President in all of his or her duties and in the absence of the President shall assume the duties of the presiding officer.
Secretary - Responsible for keeping the Chamber records and seal, the membership role, meeting minute books and resolutions.
Treasurer - Responsible for supervising the collection and deposit of all dues, receipts and other funds of the Chamber, establishes and maintains such bank accounts that may be necessary to carry out these duties. The Treasurer also performs a continuing audit of all receipts, deposits, disbursements, and monthly financial statements as well as providing a financial report at each regular meeting of the Chamber's membership.
Officers are Board members elected to these positions by the general Board of Directors, and collectively comprise the Executive Committee, which is responsible for the general management and day-to-day operations of the organization.