Scholarships Program
The GWA Chamber of Commerce sponsors, promotes and supports a variety of programs, consisting of various projects, events and other activities in support of its established mission, including various Community Benefits Programs. Community Benefit Programs, including the GWA Chamber Scholarships Program are designed to provide general value for the communities served by the Chamber or specific benefits within these communities where appropriate, such as community development or civic engagement initiatives.

Program Sponsors
The following acknowledgements are provided in appreciation for our Scholarships Program Sponsors. Select the included Sponsor related image to discover the latest online information available from that Sponsor.
Vanguard Website Solutions
Ambassador Level Sponsor
"Engage people with the robust & fully mobile content they expect today!"
Professional, affordable Website solutions designed for smaller, cost sensitive Governmental, Religious and other Not-for-Profit Organizations.
Scholarships Program Description
The GWA Chamber Scholarships Program provides academic scholarships annually in the amount of $ 500 for one outstanding graduating senior selected from each of the Wheatland-Chili Central School District and the Caledonia-Mumford Central School District who are planning to attend a College or Technical School. Each academic scholarship candidate must complete and submit a scholarship application that includes a 500-word essay of their own that describes their interests, community involvement, volunteering activities and future plans. The GWA Chamber works in conjunction with each School Districts' representatives to collect applications. All submitted applications are evaluated by a GWA Chamber Scholarships Committee that selects the most deserving candidates for scholarship awards at the respective schools' graduation ceremonies. Anyone interested in serving on the Scholarships Committee please contact the GWA Chamber via email.